Only the Best – The Self Insured Group (SIG) can choose to offer membership to only those employers who demonstrate a solid commitment to superior operations. This limits the group’s exposure to “bad risks,” and allows the SIG to enjoy better results than traditional insurance. This approach is vital because the better the results, the lower the cost for members.
Savings – The SIG, regulated by the Hawaii Insurance Department, exists only to benefit the members so there is no incentive to charge members more than what is necessary to run the program. The SIG pays all expenses, including the cost of claims. The funds left over are called ”surplus,” and with no insurance company to claim them as profit, the money remains in the SIG which is owned by the Members.
Program Control – There is no comparison to the kind of program control a group of employers have under self insurance versus a fully insured plan. In the SIG, the members have control of the program through representation on the Board of Directors. Since the Board consists of employers in the same industry, the SIG can feature industry-specific benefits designed exclusively for that program.
Aggressive Claims Management – Claims management is crucial when creating a successful SIG. Investigations of suspicious claims, Return-to-Work program, low adjuster-to-claim file ratio, and strong case management are key components in keeping claims costs down. The SIG monitors activities to ensure that all claims are expedited and handled efficiently and aggressively.
Safety & Loss Control – A strong safety program is necessary for a successful group. The SIG works with Loss Prevention Specialists to provide initial and ongoing loss control services to members. Safety consultants are available to help members keep their work places as safe as possible because working together to prevent injuries makes a huge difference in workers’ comp claims.
Excess Insurance – The SIG purchases “A” Rated Excess insurance from an Excess Insurance carrier to protect the group from large losses. All claims that exceed the SIG’s self insured retention are paid by the Excess Insurance. This limits the SIG’s exposure. Employer’s Liability coverage is provided as well.